Experimental evaluation of erythrocyte proteins membrane skeleton in hypertension

Journal of NanoScience Technology Download PDF Experimental evaluation of erythrocyte proteins membrane skeleton inhypertension H. Filsoofiana,b, S. Akbaria,b, A. Akbaria*a GreenNanoTech Kft, Király Utca 80, Budapest, 1068, Hungaryb NanoSciTec GmbH, Hermann Weinhauser str. 67, Munich, 81867, Germany Abstract Reduced erythrocyte deformability is one of the important causes for stroke and heartfailure in hypertensive patients. Deformability…

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β-Cyclodextrins-based nano carriers for cancer therapy

Journal of NanoScience Technology Download PDF β-Cyclodextrins-based nano carriers for cancer therapy A.Akbari a, F.Rahimi a, Z.Abbasi Radmoghaddam a , S.Honarmand a, T.Godary a, M.Ghasemi Toudeshkchouei a, S.Akbari a* a NanoSciTec GmbH, Rosamunden Str.9, Munich, 81827, Germany Abstract Gene therapy uses oligonucleotides against genetic disorders to interact with the source of the disease; it can…

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Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as Versatile carrier platforms in therapeutic applications

Journal of NanoScience Technology Download PDF Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as Versatile carrier platforms in therapeutic applications Z.Jafaria, S.Honarmanda, F.Rahimia, A.Akbaria,b, S.Akbari a,b* a NanoSciTec GmbH, Rosamunden Str.9, Munich, 81827, Germany b GreenNanoTech Kft, Király Utca 80, Budapest, 1068, Hungary Abstract The utilization of nanotechnology is one of the fast-growing scientific discoveries that significantly affect our…

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