Nano drug delivery systems as promising tools for cancer therapy

Z. Abbasi Radmoghaddama,b, M. Dastjerdib, N. Garaeib, E. Mohammadib, S. Akbarib, G. Torkamandsarabib, A. Akbaria* bNanoSciTec GmbH, Hermann Weinhauser str. 67, Munich, 81867, Germany   Abstract Despite the remarkable medical advances, cancer is still a lethal threat to humans, causing tremendous social and economic problems. The emerging and following developments of nanomedicine for cancer therapy…

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Nanomedicine particularly targets triple-negative breast cancer

Nanoparticle-based drug delivery methods (NP) have significantly advanced the field of cancer treatment. Artificial cell membranes or cell membranes derived from nature can be incorporated into synthetic constructs or NPs using the biomimetic NP method, a new type of nanoplatform. Numerous NPs coated with cell membranes have been described in the literature using membranes from…

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The investigation of hemoglobin in hypertension; spectroscopic and thermodynamic analysis

H.Filsoofiana,b, S. Akbarib, A. Akbaria*  a GreenNanoTech Kft, Király Utca 80, Budapest, 1068, Hungary b NanoSciTec GmbH, Hermann Weinhauser str. 67, Munich, 81867, Germany   Abstract Hypertension is a disease with a significant risk factor for heart failure and stroke. One of the main reasons behind heart failure and stroke in hypertensive patients is the…

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Lipid-based nanoformulations for TKIs delivery in cancer therapy

Abstract Cancer therapy faces many challenges, such as inadequate drug loading, low solubility, leakage before reaching the target cells and killing healthy cells. Furthermore, severe side effects resulting from conventional chemotherapy and the other therapeutic methods for cancer treatment are the main reasons for finding more effective methodologies. Thanks to nanomedicine, various nanoparticles (NPs) are…

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Metastasis is a very significant factor in cancer progression and with this comprising cancer-spread into secondary sites from the primary site, it can result in cancer-related mortality as well as approximately 90 % of treatment failures. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) hold an important role in metastasis, as these cancer cells are released into the bloodstream…

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convey restorative drugs utilizing prolonged nanocrystals

Monash College analysts have utilized progressed procedures at ANSTO to examine the generation of modern, stretched polymer nanocapsules with a tall payload of medicating nanocrystals to possibly increment sedate targetability, additionally diminish dose recurrence and side effects. This strategy had not been explored already and speaks to a spearheading method of examination within the field…

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Novel Ferritin-Based Nanomedicine is Effective to Treat Assorted Human Leukemia

Nanomedicine serves for the focus on the conveyance of arsenic (As) and has been appeared to be a proficient treatment against different sorts of leukemia. The paper portraying this strategy was distributed in Nature Nanotechnology on October 25th, 2021. Leukemia may be a major risk to human wellbeing, displaying destitute survival rates for grown-ups and…

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As quality treatment security faces investigation, Wide Founded proposes a more secure and more effective conveyance device

Later clinical holds of a few ponder and an FDA counseling committee assembly have put quality therapy’s security beneath the highlight. To extend the viability of quality treatment and diminish the hazard of side impacts like liver poisonous quality, researchers at the Wide Organized of MIT and Harvard and Harvard College have created an unused…

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cartilage recovery surgeries

Osteoarthritis in youthful individuals may be caused by surgical evacuation of a harmed meniscus, C-shaped cartilage within the knee, or damage to the articular cartilage (chondro) and the bone beneath it, or inadequate of the tendon. This aggravates the arrangement of the knee by putting unusual stresses on the cartilage of the influenced compartment, in…

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